As pursuant to section 91 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, only lawyers or Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) can represent or advise a person for consideration in connection with the submission of an immigration application.
根据《加拿大移民及难民保护法》第91条,除律师及持牌移民顾问 (RCIC) 以外,任何人不得向其他人提供有偿移民咨询服务,或代为准备及递交任何移民相关申请。
Click here to learn more about Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants and its regulatory body CICC.
At Nirvana, our mandate is to provide our clients with professional services while being absolutely candid and forthright. We have zero tolerance for dishonesty of any kind.
All case files will be handled directly by our licensed immigration consultant. Our goal is to offer you a customized plan that is tailored to the needs of you and your family. We will keep you informed at every step of the application starting from the initial consultation to the day you land.
We strive to go beyond what the industry requires of us. A successful application is merely the beginning of a very long journey. Our ultimate goal is to make Canada a second home for you.